Boost Productivity with Gen AI-OS & Knowledge Assistants!

Empower your team with AI knowledge assistants for faster, smarter decisions. Centralize your knowhow, and get instant answers for employees, customers, and chatbots. Elevate your workflow game with AI-powered enterprise search and generative workflows!

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Gen AI-OS - for secure, controlled and customized deployment of AI App

Build an AI Knowledge fabric from your company’s websites, documents and data all in one place

AI-Powered Enterprise Search

Bring all your business’s knowledge in one place with AI that ingests ‘all’ file types, web content and internal data

Ask naturally for information contained anywhere within your documents. Apply GPT prompts to the responses

Get trusted result for your LLMs that are sourced from your documents, knowledgebases, websites

Find (browse, search) your business’s tested and verified GPT prompt applications

Centralize your knowledge with tools for knowhow management and analytics for usage & gaps

Knowledge Management for Gen-AI

Manage your business knowledge in all kinds of documents and files with automated workflows for notifying gaps, creating new content and embedding in vector DB

Keep information up-to-date by using knowledge management workflows to expediate content creation

Collect and manage user feedback on content — allowing for continuous improvement and refinement

Implement a process for content publication — to put new content goes through the necessary review and approval processes

Combine GPT Prompts and AI Search to get Generated Content from your Knowledge Assistant

Use Generative AI on Results

First the LLM powered semantic search understands your natural language queries and finds the right information

Then you can apply flexible generative AI workflows to utilize the information returned in your search

Use curated Generative AI templates or deploy your own custom templates

Automatically push feedback into update/upgrade flows to correct issues and improve quality

Platform for Building & Deploying Generative AI Applications or your teams

Managed GPT-Prompts for Business

Create, modify, test and deploy the generative prompt applications. Provide descriptions to ease findability

Its model agnostic - configure open-source and commercial LLM Models for your Gen-AI Applications

Add queries for bringing in the data from the prompts. Provide search and browse UI options for running the prompts

Download with curated prompts and LLM models for your specific business needs. Engage eServeCloud services customize Ai workflows, and achieve exceptional content.

Chat with your documents and data using AI Powered workplace search

Natural Language Conversations

Have natural language conversations with your data - ask questions and get trusted responses

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Find Answers & Solutions For Customer

Quickly find answers and solutions for customer issues and help agents and bots respond quickly. Generate update notifications on ticket changes.

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Pre-Sales Questions

Find answers to pre-sales questions, view customer details and generate sales proposals and email responses from data

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Up-to-Date Business Knowledge

Make all your workers domain experts by providing them access to current, up-to-date business knowledge

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View Real-time Conversation

Responses are generated only from the business’s support content, not from across the internet. All business data always stays within eServe. Conversations can be view in inboxes, by supervisors in real-time as well as in reports

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Infrastructure for Business AI

AI Platform for knowledge management and business search

Providing business with tools for knowledge capture, semantic search and knowledge management workflows. Connect to business data sources and use the assistants to conversationally access your business knowhow and present it generatively in different forms and formats

Ingest Anything, Connect to Data

Embed and vectorize anything — websites, PDFs, PowerPoints, spreadsheets, videos, audio transcripts. And chat with an expert search engine for answers to your most complex questions.

Create Flows for GPT Content

Search finds the right data, and generative AI produces the content. Use pre-loaded prompt templates or customize and deploy your own

Keep Knowhow Up-to-Date

Built-in knowledge maintenance workflows and methods for identifying information gaps keep your knowhow current. Usage and performance analytics provide insights for improvement

Build knowledge to power your business processes

Power your Business

Multiple Knowledgebases

Create multiple knowledgebases for internal and external usage. Specify access controls to give the right people the required data

Structured/Hierarchical Content

Organize your content in topic and sub-topic hierarchies for browsing. Content is automatically chunked and vectorized

AI Powered Answers

Scan through your existing knowledge and provide answers for exactly what you need to know (with reference links)

Multiple Document Types

Save and respond with FAQs, documents (PDF, Word, Excel, PPT etc.), images, video, generated snippets

Import From Web, Desktop, Cloud

Bulk import data from desktop folders, Google drive or consume from website URLs

Create Content from Anywhere

Bring in existing docs, spreadsheets, videos and more into KB or create with rich-text editor.

Identify Important Info & Gaps

Surface trending topics and searches, information consumed and missing. Use feedback to improve content quality and coverage

Accelerate Knowledge Delivery

Automate content creation, review, and approval workflows, then publish from a single source to every communication channel

Use conversational queries to get & format information. Customizable, conversational digital workplace assistant powered by eServe AI Bot

Find information using powerful business search

Use advanced search to narrowly specify required information. You can specify the KB, document type, topic and sub-topic.

Ask questions or provide tasks in natural language

Get answers or provide task using the stored generative prompts – summarize, list, create a report etc

Users can tag missing or incorrect knowledge

Users have the front-line knowledge of missing or erroneous material and can provide feedback, request updates to keep kb up-to-date

Enable data access rights per team

Control access to data so users have access to data they are allowed  to view

Homepage for business and team knowhow – with search, announcements and team links

  • ‘Google Search’ for your internal business information
  • Find and generate content from your saved data
  • View business and team announcements on new documents and general news
  • View curated team contents – a collection of documents, links and FAQ setup for each team
  • Report knowledge gaps and incorrect responses

Quickly answer visitor questions to unblock sales and deflect tickets

  • Allow visitors to browse, ask questions or popup contextual suggestions based on their journey
  • Easily customize help center with drag & drop tool to match your branding with colors and logos
  • Proactively answer pre-sales questions and lower barriers to sales
  • Add buttons for one-click access to self-service functions such as order or to create tickets
  • Provide live agent access via messaging when needed

Everything you need to build your single source of truth

Use existing data (website,  cloud) or create new

Upload existing documents from your websites, help portals or cloud document repositories. Create new FAQs and articles using rich-text editor.

Workflows for Accurate, Verified Know-How

Change requests flow to editors, reviewers and publishers. Automatic notifications, announcements of new content, refresh reminders to keep your data fresh

Get Change Requests from Users

Automatically funnel customer/agent search response feedback, agent identified gaps and suggestions into the KB update workflow

Analyze content usage, gaps and stale info

Use knowledge dashboard to determine missing or incorrect information from search failures, dislikes and un-used content.

Measure usage, understand gaps and identify unused information

Dashboards provide visibility

Dashboards provide visibility into the performance of your knowledge assets – what is used, from where, when

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Understand findability with search analytics

Understand findability with search analytics to identify top searches, top responses, search successes and failures

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Measure your content quality

Measure your content quality with likes and dislikes and fill missing knowhow from recommendations

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Know what info is being used

Understand who, from where and what information is being used so you can improve accessibility

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