Convert, Support and Retain More Customers with AI eCommerce platform for Merchants

Leverage Conversational AI to automate customer experiences for sales, support and marketing. Drive more eCommerce sales and deliver exceptional customer service at scale with AI Assistants, but smoothly blend in live agents for the human touch when needed.

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Supercharge your digital eCommerce with blended AI-Assistance and Human Service

Supercharge your Digital eCommerce

  • Convert Visitors

    Convert visitors into buyers, Point to your website URLs and file folders to ingest the knowledge and make the bot an answering expert.

  • Service Customers

    Automate customer support, Build custom support flows and utilize your support knowhow to handle over 50% of support requests across all messaging channels.

  • Help Sell

    Sell with personalized experiences, Understand the customer’s intent with NLU and respond to customer’s presales and support questions with generated answers derived from the ingested business knowhow.

  • Recover Carts

    Streamline checkout and cart recovery, Scale conversations free up your human agents by mapping customer intents to automated actions. Directly make Sales, resolve query and also can able to pass to agents. Bots can now directly make sales or resolve customer requests, but quickly pass them to agents when needed.

  • Engage Timely

    Target with Conversational marketing, By leveraging content in websites and internal documents, eServe Bots can deflect customer questions with accurate answers.

eCommerce Platform

Leverage AI to answer questions, resolve issues, manage orders, make sales, manage store with automation and humans

eCommerce AI Assistants

Embed and vectorize anything — websites, PDFs, PowerPoints, spreadsheets, videos, audio transcripts. And chat with an expert search engine for answers to your most complex questions.

Team Inboxes for Humans

Search finds the right data, and generative AI produces the content. Use pre-loaded prompt templates or customize and deploy your own template and increase the conversion with very minimul expenditure.

Work Better with Merchant AI

Built-in knowledge maintenance workflows and methods for identifying information gaps keep your knowhow current. Usage and performance analytics provide insights for improvement. Increase the ROI.

AI Sales & Marketing Assistants

Help customers and turn real-time conversations into revenue with handoff to humans–-1.png

Sales AI Assistant

Gen-AI powered conversational sales assistant, available 24-7

GPT powered AI Assistants scale on demand, converse naturally to provide personalized customer experiences just like your in-house sales associates. AI Assistant understand visitor’s needs, answer their questions and guide them with product recommendations and add help items to cart. Handoff to the right associate with all the context for them to pickup seamlessly

eCommerce Helpdesk

Smoothly escalate to your human teams when needed

eServe Workspace combines conversations from all channels with customer’s order details for sales reps to provide personalized service just like a store associate. AI can assist and augment your reps, helping them close sales with less effort and in less time

WhatsApp eCommerce

Get 2x conversions with WhatsApp

eCommerce customers are on Facebook, Instagram and when they are ready to buy (highest intent moment) they can message you on WhatsApp. Use AI Assistant to converse and convert them to orders. Easily re-target drop-offs, cart abandons and drive revenue growth

Help Portal & AI Search

Let your customers search or browse to find answers

Install the eServe customizable Help Portal and AI Search on your websites to customers to browse to the right information or they can simply ask questions in AI Search to get AI Generated answers from your stored knowhow

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Boost conversions

Boost conversions by connecting clicks to conversational AI Sales Assistants

Let your customers search or browse to find answers
Connect to your Advertisements

Enable click to message on your advertisements and connect them to your AI Sales Assistant. Replace static landing pages and get higher conversions with conversational agents

Make Broadcasts bi-directional

Immediately answer your customer responses to broadcast messages with highly scalable AI Sales Assistants. Assistants are always available, on all channels and are your online experts having absorbed your business knowhow

Blend Automation & Humans

Always provide the ability to seamlessly connect to sales reps or create tickets to generate callbacks. Manage the balance of automated AI assistance and the human touch to maximize revenues and minimize costs

Resolve Customer Issues Automatically

AI Assistants can resolve over 50% of customer issues; reserving agents for the more complicated questions‘Interactive-AI-Assistant.png

Support AI Assistants

24/7 AI-Powered Chat Support AI Assistant

GPT powered AI Assistants scale on demand to provide personalized customer service just like your in-house agents. More that answering questions, AI Assistant can pull information from eCommerce platforms and can help customers directly manage orders, returns and exchanges. Handoff to the right agent with all the context for them to pickup seamlessly

Use Conversational AI

Use Conversational AI to resolve & upsell your customer support issues raised on any channel

Ease your eCommerce

View & Track Orders

Get Order History and Available Actions Customer shopping profile and history of orders and cancellations are displayed immediately. Valid actions for each order simplifies agent's support options

Manage Orders, Cancellation

Access Order Actions without switching tabs View, update and  cancel orders, provide refunds, create new orders, send carts links and collect payments,

Returns, Refunds, Exchanges

Refund Past Orders, Offer Exchanges View shop rules and authorize returns and refunds directly from workspace  Specify amounts, shipping charges and restock options

Sell, Recommend Products

Send Products and Abandoned Cart Links Recommend products during support session or create a cart and send for payment.

Handoff to Human

Connect to agent or create a ticket Bring in human agents with full context to provide continuity of support

AI Helpdesk for Support Teams

Provide AI-Powered Success Tools to your agents and teams

Empower your agents with data, tools and automation to help them deliver personalized support. Provide unified customer profiles with data pulled from integrations, one-click access to your business knowledge and customizable automation to reduce repetitive tasks. Drive faster resolutions and a more personalized customer service

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AI Search & Agent Assistants

Assist your agents to help customers with AI

Create accurate, accessible knowledge repositories of your business and support knowhow. Make knowledge accessible with AI-powerful search tools to surface the right information, at the right time from anyplace

AI-Powered Enterprise Search

Build an AI Knowledge fabric from your business’s websites, documents and data all in one place

  • Bring all your business’s knowledge in one place with AI that ingests ‘all’ file types, web content and internal data
  • Ask naturally for information contained anywhere within your documents. Apply GPT prompts to the responses
  • Get trusted result for your LLMs that are sourced from your documents, knowledgebases, websites
  • Find (browse, search) your business’s tested and verified GPT prompt applications
  • Start searching on day one – no development, no training required. It improves over time


Managed GPT-Prompts for Business

Deploy generative AI Applications specialized your teams using different prompts, data and models

  • Create, modify, test and deploy the generative prompt applications. Provide descriptions to ease findability
  • Its model agnostic – configure open-source and commercial LLM Models for your Gen-AI Applications
  • Add queries for bringing in the data from the prompts. Provide search and browse UI options for running the prompts
  • Download with curated prompts and LLM models for your specific business needs. Engage eServeCloud services customize Ai workflows, and achieve exceptional content.

Leverage Generative AI for your business teams

Generative AI for Support Teams

Quickly find answers and solutions for customer issues and help agents respond quickly with troubleshooting steps.

Generative AI for Sales teams

Streamline sales processes by generating cold outreach messages and lead qualifying questions. Enhance onboarding new hires quickly with ready access to sales knowhow

Generative AI for Marketing Teams

Provide your marketing teams with access to current, up-to-date business knowledge, and prompts to generate long form content such as blog posts, personalized marketing messages

Generative AI for Management Teams

Allow managers to conversationally ask questions about the store, customer, product performances. Get insights in the operational performance of their teams

FAQs of eServe AI eCommerce