Next Generation AI Assistant to automate your Customer & Business Tasks

Harness the power of Conversational AI to automate customer experiences and business operations for sales, support, marketing and operations with AI bots and assistant. Accelerate growth across all your business teams with AI assistants. Interact with integrated business applications conversationally to do work and make all workers experts with accessible business knowhow.

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Put Customizable Gen-AI Assistants to work for you

What can eServe AI Assistant do for your business?

Provide Conversational User Experiences
Learns from your experts and have natural language conversations with your customers just like a sales or support agent, answer your customers with personalized generated responses.

What can eServe AI Assistant do for your business

Become Your Business Expert

Understand the customer’s intent with NLU and respond to customer’s presales and support questions with generated answers derived from the ingested business knowhow. Offers products with eCommerce integration

Perform Automated Tasks

Automatically perform tasks to free up your human agents by mapping intents to automated actions. Bots can directly make sales or resolve user requests, act through integrated applications or quickly pass them to agents when needed.

Build AI Assistance Into Your Business

Point to your website URLs and documents to ingest the knowledge and make the bot an answering expert. Integrate with business apps to get info and execute tasks conversationally

Secure, Onboarded in Minutes

Your business data is used securely, and responses are generated only from your content, not from across the internet. All business data always stays within eServe.

Reduce Tickets, Grows Revenues

Scale sales, support and work efficiency with automation. Measure and attribute AI assisted revenue and performance efficiencies

Use AI-Assistants to conversationally get answers and perform tasks for your customers and teammates

Use AI-Assistants

AI Web Assistant for online visitors

Ingests your online information and internal documents to automatically answer questions, guide visitors, provide support and close sales

Omni-channel Sales Assistant

Conversationally engage with visitors and answer pre-sales questions on any channel. Provide product information and execute customer requested tasks

Provide Automated Customer Support

Automatically identify and directly resolve customer issues, Track and manage orders and tickets and execute support requests if unable assign to the right teams

Generate Leads from Visitors

Collect visitor information and create lead records, book meetings. Automatically score the customer profile and setup personalized flows & actions

Your Business Knowledge Assistant

Becomes an expert with your unstructured and structured data and let your teams just ask to get info from siloed data

Sales Assistant for Digital Ads

Provide tools for business to connect as a conversational sales assistants when prospects click on digital ads

Convert Abandoned Carts

Display abandoned carts to customers and offer incentives to convert. Help discover products and convert as your sales agent

Your Business AI Teammate

Extract, categorize, summarize, generate from searched or submitted information. Conversationally perform tasks on your business applications (being built out..)

LLMs as Gen AI-OS

eServe Assistants use LLMs as Gen AI-OS to understand and converse in natural language.

 Assistants access your business knowledge and data to perform tasks for customers

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eServe AI ‘I’ Assistant

Add Your Sales, Support & Work Intents to ‘Interactive’ AI-Assistant

Configure ‘Interactive Bot’ to provide automated sales and support to your customers. It can answer support and product questions from ingested knowledge, provide support and help customers discover and buy the right product

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Web Chat Assistant can proactively interact and convert your visitors

Onboarded in Minutes, No Code or Training. Point to your website URLs and file folders to ingest your business knowledge. As your online sales and support expert, ‘C’ bot can answer questions, guide visitors, execute lead generation flows

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‘M’ Bot can engage customers on SMS or WhatsApp

Meet customers on any messaging channel and provide automated assistance. Any of your bots can be connected to your messaging channels and immediately provide conversational engagement

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Your work assistant to generate responses, get info and perform work

Make your teams more productive with AI Search of your internal business knowledge combined with configurable generative responses. More than getting answer, you can ask assistants to perform software tasks

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Supercharge your digital eCommerce Self-Service

eCommerce Booster

Manage Orders

Track & Manage Orders, Returns etc. Customer can manage orders - track orders, edit, cancel or return orders for automated customer service

Recover Cart

Streamline checkout and cart recovery Send notifications and display abandoned carts with buying incentives to close the sale

Provide Support

Provide personalized support Automatically resolve customer issues, deflect customer questions with accurate answers and connect to humans upon  request

Sales Agent

Target with Conversational marketing Support bi-directional marketing with automated sales support when prospects respond to notifications or promotional messages

Convert Visitors

Convert visitors into buyers Understand visitor journey, capture customer details, and guide with product discovery. Departing visitors can be placed into outbound flows.

AI Landing Page

Increase return on ad spend Click to get a conversational sales assistant on Facebook and Instagram to guide through product discovery, recommend products, click to buy etc

Leverage the power of large language models to transform conversational engagements

Conversational Generative AI

Use state-of-the-art LLMs for detecting customer intent, sentiment and language to understand the customer’s utterances Generate natural language conversational responses in the desired tone – formal, playful etc. Dynamic conversational flows driven by customer inputs, no more programmatic, static chatbots Use graphical design tools to create your own business AI chatbot

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Configure intents to carry out the customer’s tasks

Execute Curated Tasks

Converse with customer to understand their request and collect the data required for the task. Use the pre-configured intent-task maps or setup the actions using the bot-builder. Perform tasks requiring external business apps using integration flows

Use AI Knowledgebase

Get the customer search intent from natural language understanding and the context. Generated concise response from stored knowhow and documents. Get trusted result that are sourced from your documents, knowledge bases, websites linked to KBs. Ask questions from anywhere – chat, messaging channels, agent interface, apps etc. Built-in feedback (Up/Down, Like Answer, etc.) and article usage data is collected to improve quality.

Generative Bot Builder

Drag-n-drop to build and deploy your generative action chatbot

Deploy your own GPT bots powered by advanced large language models to understand customer intent and sentiment, hold natural language conversations, provide generative answers and take actions to resolve customer issues.

Bot & Conversational Intelligence

Bot & Conversational Intelligence

Use built-in reports to monitor your bot performances. Dashboard lets you select KPIs, charts and tables to visualize conversational performance. Activity list displays all sessions handled by bots with ability to review conversations and resolutions data. Review data on intent detection and search performance to tune and correct any gaps.


Strong relationships start with strong interactions. Our service solution lets you personalize customer experiences, building loyalty and revenue.

Customers come to you expecting answers. Meet them where they are, across any channel, and then personalize the conversation around their exact needs.

You need a support solution that scales as you do. eServeCloud is built to absorb new teams, divisions, and global bases. Our security measures keep everyone safe, regardless of size. Our Features Include World Class Help centar Best AI & Automation enabled Platform Integrate with your own apps

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