How Can You Increase Your Ecommerce Revenue Using Shopify Live Chat?

  • 25 Jul 2023

Today the e-commerce industry presents both, diverse omnichannel opportunities and extreme competition. This leads us to an important question. How can your online businesses ensure e-commerce revenue growth?

The answer is simple. You need to implement a finely-honed and well-executed marketing strategy. But no strategy, by itself, can be said to be comprehensive enough to suffice all your e-commerce needs. So implementing a combination of strategies will yield better results. This is because the strengths, weaknesses, costs, timeframes for returns etc. for different strategies are different.

However, Shopify Live Chat is one e-commerce strategy that comes close to being comprehensive. Prioritizing it will enable you to enter diverse market niches and access bigger audience groups. It is also said that customers engaging in Live Chat have a greater chance of completing their purchase.

Let us see how you can leverage the Shopify Live Chat so you can maximize its benefits.

  • Personalize customer expectations: The more personalized a Live Chat is, the higher your chances of customer conversion. The survival of e-commerce websites depends on two important factors:
      1. Enhanced customer conversions
      2. Increase in repeat customers

Personalizing the Live Chat enhances its utility as a CRM tool. By storing customer data, keeping a track of all customer conversations and taking down notes of specific choices, likes etc., you can nurture a more meaningful relationship with your customers. While the tactic might seem easy, the impact it has both on customer satisfaction and customer retention is enormous.

  • Offer multiple-channel customer support: Personalisation is impossible without omnichannel customer support integration. There should be no disconnect irrespective of the method of communication your customers use like Live Chat, email, social media, phone etc. This unifies the brand experience and has the potential to override low price as the only factor influencing sales.
  • Use macros to automate conversations: Ensuring the robustness of the Live Chat will make it powerful enough to answer the bulk of the questions generally asked by your customers. To enable this, customer communications have to be researched and analyzed so that questions can be categorized into different sectors dealing with the different aspects of e-commerce:
      1.   General questions offering genetic information
      2.   Payment questions that offer payment-specific information
      3.   Shipping questions that deal with order tracking, delivery etc
      4.   Return questions dealing with the return of goods and respective refunds
      5.   Tracking questions that answer questions related to specific customer orders
  •       Ensure proper data collection methods: Customer-specific data that you need to collect include:
      1.   Product references
      2.   Problems and issues faced with order execution
      3.   Personal history including important dates
      4.   Information about their loved ones etc

Methods that you need to adopt for this data collection include:

      1. You can achieve manual data collection by going through the individual support tickets generated and solutions offered
      2. Tagging information based on their relevance to different aspects of eCommerce
      3. Analyzing brand and product-specific statistics etc

Other marketing strategies to club with Shopify Live Chat

Combining the strategy of leveraging Shopify Live chat with other online marketing strategies is a good way of maximizing your revenue generation.

Some effective strategies that can be implemented include:

  • Increasing website traffic: Since only a small percentage of web traffic that visits an eCommerce website gets converted into sales, you should try to attract as much web traffic as possible. By increasing web traffic, you can record their data thereby using various other means to initiate conversions with them like pop-ups, Live Chat, fly-outs etc.
  • Developing conversion-oriented email campaigns: This helps in brand retention. You can use it to update customers regarding your latest schemes, discounts offered and ongoing sales offers. Since these are powerful tools that help to drive conversions, you should develop a good email strategy that includes:
      1.  Welcome emails
      2.  Post-purchase emails
      3.  Reminders for browse and cart abandonment
      4.  New product launch emails
      5.  Company updates
      6.  Schemes, offers and discounts etc.

But you should take care not to send too many emails, otherwise they will all end up in the Spam folder and defeat your purpose.

  • Using SMS marketing for better customer engagement: This has gained immense popularity lately because you can send messages literally to the pockets of your customers to keep pursuing them. Statistics show that SMS messages are opened within 90 seconds of their receipt by the customer. This increases their effectiveness. Web-push notification is another variant of SMS that can also be leveraged.
  • Revamping the social media strategy: If you have a strong social media game, you are sure to see an incremental jump in your Shopify revenue. The ability to show images and tag products for easy shopping makes Instagram the most popular social media marketing tool. Facebook might not be a visual medium but initiating conversations with relevant Facebook groups helps to drive e-commerce brand visibility. Pinterest is another visual medium that enables you to develop strong relationships with your customers.

Consistent posting on social media websites leads to followers. This increases brand awareness and e-commerce website traffic. By the time these users visit your eCommerce website, they are more than ready to buy. This leads to enhanced sales.

  • Maximizing SEO tactics: Organic traffic is a dream that every e-commerce company strives to attain. But not many succeed because they do not know the correct techniques of making a website SEO friendly. Shopify offers a great built-in SEO setting which you can leverage to create pages with dynamic meta fields and automatically generate sitemaps, canonical URLs and 301 redirects. Taking advantage of these will ensure your website homepage, product and collection pages etc are better indexed and easily found in the search engines. Additionally, adopting good content marketing will make it easy for you to reach your target audience.
  • Free Shipping: Customers are attracted to the magic of this term. It is a psychological unblocker that automatically helps to enhance sales. With no chance of last-minute costs being added to their carts, customers are more likely to complete their buying process. You can also offer free delivery for cart values exceeding a predefined amount. This can bring about a boost in the average order value or AOV of your customers.

Diving sales on Shopify needs a concentrated effort to understand the different marketing strategies and club them in a way that will help generate increased revenue. With Shopify already offering a very dynamic Live Chat, if your online business uses Shopify as your eCommerce platform, you will have a far greater chance of success than those using the other platforms.

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