4 Tips for eCommerce Service Providers to Keep Customers Happy

4 Tips for eCommerce Service
  • 26 Feb 2024

The global retail e-commerce market is expected to reach a value of $6.310 trillion this year and $8.148 trillion in 2026. There are over 9.1 million current online retailers competing for a share of this pie. As an eCommerce Services Provider, if you want to grow your online business and succeed, it is important to ensure that your prospects and existing customers love:

  •       Your products
  •       Your brand
  •       Your customer experience

Any successful business, online or offline, is built on how effective it is at keeping its customers happy.

According to research, higher customer satisfaction translates into better customer retention and greater customer lifetime value. Whether it is through the products you offer, the customer experience, or your E-commerce Support Services, it is important to know what steps need to be taken to keep your customers happy.

Best Ways to Keep Your Customers Happy

When it comes to online business, keeping customers happy involves different layers of approach. It is not possible to personally greet your visitors or smile and say ‘thank you’ on checkout. The most trusted eCommerce Customer Support Services platforms have the following suggestions to help make your customers happy.

1. Invest in User Experience Design

Discounts and offers are important. User experience (UX) is an even more important factor when it comes to retaining your visitors and turning them into customers and keeping your existing customers happy and returning for more. Design has an important role to play here.

Adobe reports that 38%, almost two-fifths, of online shoppers leave an ecommerce website if the design is not appealing to them.

Online shoppers assess the following questions related to UX when making an online purchase:

  •       How easy is it to navigate the ecommerce website and find the desired product or information?
  •       How quickly do the pages load?
  •       How simple and fast is the order and checkout process?
  •       Is the ecommerce website appealing?

While your product addresses the key factors of Value and Functionality, it is UX design that addresses usability and impression in customer experience.

Anyone who has managed the Shopify HelpDesk knows that shopaholics love spending hours exploring ecommerce websites. However, they are not the majority. Most of your target audience and customers will want to quickly and easily find the required product in as few clicks as possible. Simplify ‘site search’ to provide an easy and quick way to help your customers find what they are looking for.

  •   Provide a clearly visible search box on every webpage
  •   Let them search for both product and non-product terms
  •   Make sure the search box tolerates spelling errors
  •   Create a well-organized menu that shows almost every part of your online store
  •   Create a useful and easy-to-use information architecture
  •   The navigation must let your visitors know where they are at all times
  •   The navigation should also make it easy for them to get anywhere they want to go

Create a fast and responsive website. Simplify the checkout process by providing multiple payment options. Create as few form fields as possible and allow users to place orders without signing up.

2. Offer Exceptional Customer Service

If you want your customers to be happy, it is important to invest your time and effort into Ecommerce Customer Service. High-quality customer service helps build loyalty, word-of-mouth publicity and referrals, and recoup customer acquisition costs.

There is no way around quality E-Commerce Support Service. Customers will always abandon a business when it cannot deliver on this parameter. So, how do you keep your customers happy by providing positive customer service? Follow these steps:

  •   Provide multi-channel support
  •   Offer self-service E-Commerce Support Service
  •   Build a knowledge base and allow access
  •   Leverage the power of chatbot

The Shopify HelpDesk sets a splendid example of what can be expected of perfect Ecommerce Support Services.

3. Give Them a Good Reason to Stay

You should give customers a good reason to stay even after they have placed their order. You offer high-quality products. Still, you can be surprised to realize that people will remember you more for the Ecommerce Customer Service experience you offer.

Make them feel great whenever they interact with your business and they will be more eager to reward you in return. Make sure their experience with your online store doesn’t just end after they complete the checkout process.

4. Go Beyond ‘Fast & Free’ Shipping

Many major online retailers have made the ‘fast and free’ shipping model the industry standard. So, keeping your online shoppers happy means you will have to offer something more than that. You will have to follow a more strategic approach to using shipping as a mode of engagement.

Deloitte reports that 87% of consumers see free shipping as a bigger driving factor than fast shipping. Consumers need their products delivered fast, but free shipping is even more important to them. Almost every Ecommerce Support Services Company India offers fast and free shipping. The key is to consider ways to add to your target audiences’ experience during the entire delivery process. Examples of such strategies include sending out proactive notifications and more personalized messages. Make them feel more connected to your business or brand.


It is important to consider whether your approach is driving results or not. It is eventually your customers who should be driving your actions and not the competition. Offering real-time customer support, hassle-free returns, and ensuring customer data privacy and confidentiality further contribute to your customers’ happiness and retention rate.

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