Agent Workspace & Team Productivity Tools

Success tools for your agents and teams

Empower your agents with data, tools and automation to help them deliver personalized support. Provide unified customer profiles with data pulled from integrations, one-click access to your business knowledge and customizable automation to reduce repetitive tasks. Drive faster resolutions and a more personalized customer service

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Empower agents with powerful Workspace!

Unified Workspace

Deliver seamless support without switching tabs

Unified Agent

Conversational Workspace

Boost performance with this fast, collaborative, conversational workspace

Segmentation & Views

Create custom views and add data attributes for your specific business needs.

Omni-Channel Unified Inbox

Bring all your channels &customer data into one shared inbox for agents to resolve customer issues.

Complete Customer Context

Leverage 360 degree view of customer context with data from journeys of customer

Collaborate easily

Resolve issues as a team with shared inbox & collaboration features like Mention, Share assign tasks.

Multi-Lingual Conversations

Automatically language translate for agent & Customer end without any interruption.

Live Updates & Alerts

Get live updates of the external platform changes & incoming messages. Response in real-time.

Productivity Tools

Easy to create workflows with triggers, conditions, and actions to free up agent’s time

Track Updates, Tasks & Notes

Integrated tools allow agents to create sub-tasks, setup appointments & add private notes

Integrated Assistants

Provide accurate responses using saved knowledge

Conversational context is used to suggest responses

Conversational & customer context powers intent-based search of knowledgebase.

Automation & Workflows
Find information using powerful KB search

Use advanced search to narrowly specify required information. You can specify the KB, document type, topic and sub-topic.

Understand Your Customer
Agents identify missing knowledge

Agents have the front-line knowledge of missing or erroneous material and can provide feedback, request updates to keep kb up-to-date

SLA Management

Provide accurate responses using saved knowledge

Conversational and customer context powers intent-based search of knowledgebase. Click to send responses to customer

Combines Conversations

Use advanced search to narrowly specify required information. You can specify the KB, document type, topic and sub-topic.

Chat Analytics Detail

Agents have the front-line knowledge of missing or erroneous material and can provide feedback, request updates to keep kb up-to-date

Bookmark frequently used KB responses in a personal list. No searching needed, just click to send responses

eServeCloud Ticket Management Software

Leverage contact-center like communication services

Integrated Productivity Tools


Enable or build custom macros to take multiple actions – such as sending a templated message, initiating a workflow


Frequently used phrases and templates can be saved behind a shortcut key. Agents can send the phrase by selecting from shortcut list


Placeholders are variable-names that are filled-in with actual data from tickets, customer profiles or integrated data

Use Stored Knowledge

Quality support requires agents to know. Capture business and support knowledge in powerful KBs for all agents to re-use.

Send Files, Videos, Cards

Teams can save frequently used documents, images or cards in a team folder for all agents to use.

Spell Checker

Built-in spell checker identifies errors and provides correction suggestions

Language Translation

Allows agents to bring advisors into the conversation for consultation and to jointly working on issues

Drag & Drop Option

Send files, images by dragging and dropping in the rich-text send box. Copy & paste also works

Collaborative Teamwork

Tools to help teammates to work together on issues

  • Assigned and unassigned work items can be viewed and shared with all team members.
  • Agents can add “followers” to create an ad-hoc team for collaboration
  • Agents “mentioned” in private notes receive pings and can respond with suggestions
  • Create tasks and assign to team members to share workload and jointly work on customer issues

Support shoppers from your workspace – no switching tabs

Get Order History and Available Actions

Customer shopping profile and history of orders and cancellations are displayed immediatley. Valid actions for each order simplifies agent’s support options

Manage Orders, Make Sales

Access Order Actions without switching tabs

View, update and cancel orders, provide refunds, create new orders, send carts links and collect payments,

Refund Past Orders, Offer Exchanges

View shop rules and authorize returns and refunds directly from workspace Specify amounts, shipping charges and restock options

Collaborative Ticketing

Send Products and Abandoned Cart Links


Recommend products during support session or create a cart and send for payment.

Synchronize with your CRM and Customer Service Tools

Pull Customer Details from external CRM

For new customers extend their records by pulling data from integrated CRMs. Enriched data can be used in workflows, prioritization and segmentation.

Sentiment analysis

Keep Both Systems Synchronized

Use business rules to push changes in eServeCloud to the integrated external systems. Keep all systems automatically synchronized


Create, Assign, Update Leads and Tickets

Create and update tickets in external systems e.g. ServiceNow. Synchronize customer records in CRMs, assign leads to their agents


Receive Updates from External Systems

Receive change notification from external systems and trigger workflows to update records and take actions.


Workspace For Supervisors

Tools for managers to monitor and intercede in support operations

  • Live Dashboard displays real-time status of conversations, tickets and agents
  • Action buttons allow supervisors to listen in on sessions, join in or take over the conversations
  • Customize performance dashboards for insights relevant for your business
  • Receive CSAT notifications and requests for assistance from agents
  • Make changes to configurations to manage changing support conditions

Agent Personal Dashboard

Measure and improve your personal performance

  • Use built-in reports to monitor your helpdesk productivity
  • Ticket dashboard lets you select KPIs, charts and tables to visualize support performance
  • Activity list displays all sessions handled by the agent with ability to review conversations and resolutions data
  • Review their presence durations in pie chart for compliance with shifts

Looking for help desk software? Try eServeCloud for free

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