Routing and Intelligence

Get the right agent to handle the customer request

Use the customer profile and gathered intent data to find the best support team and most skilled agent to handle each customer request. Use different rules for synchronous requests (for available agents) and asynchronous requests (email, social) that can be assigned for later handling.

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Tools for customizing and setting up rules for routing the customer requests to the right agent

Agents with right skills provide the best service

Intent & Gathered Data

Detect customer intent and get additional request data using pre-chat forms and by asking related questions.


Trigare logic uses all the contextual data to automatically route the customer request to the best internal resource – agent, team, bot

Off-Load & Off-Hours

Handle common and repetitive customer requests using automation (bots). Bots can also off-hour requests when business is closed

Omni-Channel Routing

Uniform assignment logic can assign requests from all the messaging channels to the right teams and agents

Queuing for Synchronous Requests

Synchronous channels require live agents to answer and converse with the customer. If all agents are busy, these requests are held in a queue

Assignment of Asynchronous Requests

When response times can be longer (for asynchronous requests e.g. email) agents can be assigned tickets

Scan, Update and Notify

Tickets and conversations are constantly monitored for SLA compliance and agents alerted or ticket reassigned, and customers notified

Agent Presence

Agents can set their availability – available, busy, break or away. Presence is used for routing and assignments

Detect intent, gather data and triage

Our Clients

Routing Conversations

Workflows for routing conversations & waiting in queue

Intelligent Routing Flows

Run through the configured rules for connecting the customer with the best available agent

Available Agents Only

For synchronous conversations, routing rules only connect to available agents who can immediately respond to the customer

Business Hours & Holidays

Setup working hours for the business, department/location or teams and specify handling for off-hours customer requests

Round-Robin Routing

Uniformly distribute workload by rotating through the list of available agents

Skill-based Routing

Finds and allocate the customer to the agent with the best skills match

Agent Working with Customer

If a customer is working with an agent, then routing rules can first check their availability

Wait in Queue

If agents are busy, customer requests are placed in a queue to wait for the next available agent

Queue Messages & Timeouts

Customer receive the configured queue wait messages

Assignment of Asynchronous Requests

Request that do not need live agents can be automatically assigned

  • Assignment queues distribute customer requests all agents in a team regardless of their availability
  • Allocation rules include round-robin, skill-based, or to agent that customer is already working with
  • If tickets are not answered in time, business rules can reassign to another agent or team
  • Intelligent chatbots can be setup to handle the request and only route to agents if required

Agent Presence Management

Agents can set their availability for receiving synchronous messages e.g. chat. Supervisors can also make these changes


Agents can use the Team window to search for available colleagues to request assistance.

Queue and transfer operations are only sent to the available agents.

Use in Routing:Transfer

Timed-stamped records of each agent presence state change is logged for supervisory reviews

Logging All Changes

Management of Routing & Queuing

Administrators can use graphical tools to setup routing queues

  • Setup branching logic using ticket, customer and conversation data to route requests to queues
  • Each queue can have business hours and holidays
  • Each queue can look for agents in one or more teams
  • Specify re-routing rules on wait timeouts or no agent available

Supervisors Tools for Routing

Queue & Routing Analytics

Measure, monitor and improve team performance

  • Use built-in reports to monitor your queue and team performance
  • Queue dashboard lets you select KPIs, charts and tables to visualize support performance
  • Routing log provides details on the journey of each request, origination, assignment, acceptance by agent and closure
  • SLA alerts and reports provide insights into adherence to set standards

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