Help Center & Knowledge Management

AI-powered knowledge for quick answers to customer & agent queries

Quickly answers to questions & unblock sales by responding to pre-sales inquiries using AI-powered knowledgebases.

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of Customer Wants personalization


of Customer would securely message


of Customer feel messaging creates personal connections

Transform your customer service through knowledge

Create accurate, accessible knowledge repositories of your business and support knowhow. Make knowledge accessible with AI-powerful search tools to surface the right information, at the right time from anyplace

Make it easy for customers to get answers by exposing your content in the browsable, searchable help center. Proactively surface contextual information for sales and support


Knowledge makes your conversational chatbots intelligent. Bots can understand your customer questions and generate accurate, concise and contextual responses.

Shorten agent’s response times and improve answer quality by monitoring questions and suggesting answers and data for responses.


Capture and continuously improve your business knowledge in both quality and coverage by using analytics and feedback to understand the gaps between the questions and answers

Artificial Intelligence Digital Brain Technology and engineering Concept With Programmer Data or Systems that can be set up in a Scientific Context. Vector Illustration

Get insights into what information your customers and agents are searching for and viewing. Including top searches, viewed info, failed searches and un-used articles, and more.

Business analytics
AI Platform

Platform to access, collect and organize your knowledge

illustration of artificial intelligence develops machine learning programs and analyzes input data. Vector design for landing page, web, website, mobile apps, poster, flyer, ui ux

Power your sales & support

Build knowledge to power your sales & support experiences

Multiple Knowledgebases

Create multiple knowledgebases for internal and external usage. Specify access controls to give the right people the required data

Structured/Hierarchical Content

Organize your content in topic and sub-topic hierarchies for browsing. Content is automatically chunked and vectorized

AI Powered Answers

Scan through your existing knowledge and provide answers for exactly what you need to know

Multiple Document Types

Save and respond with FAQs, documents (PDF, Word, Excel, PPT etc.), images, video, generated snippets

Import From Web, Desktop, Cloud

Bulk import data from desktop folders, Google drive or consume from website URLs

Create Content from Anywhere

Bring in existing docs, spreadsheets, videos and more into KB or create with rich-text editor.

Identify Important Info & Gaps

Surface trending topics and searches, information consumed & missing. Use feedback to improve content quality

Accelerate Knowledge Delivery

Automate content creation, review, and approval workflows, then publish from a single source to every channel

AI-Powered Answers

AI-Powered engine searches your company’s information and delivers precise information

  • Get the customer search intent from natural language understanding and the context
  • Generated concise response from stored knowhow and documents
  • Get trusted result that are sourced from your documents, knowledgebases, websites linked to KBs
  • Ask questions from anywhere – chat, messaging channels, agent interface, apps etc.
  • Built-in feedback (Up/Down, Like Answer, etc.) and article usage data is collected to improve quality

Transform agent assistance through accurate knowledge.

Conversational context is used to suggest responses

Conversational and customer context powers intent-based search of knowledgebase. Click to send responses to customer


Find information using powerful KB search

Use advanced search to narrowly specify required information. You can specify the KB, document type, topic and sub-topic.

Agents identify missing knowledge

Agents have the front-line knowledge of missing or erroneous material and can provide feedback, request updates to keep kb up-to-date

Status update

Frequently used info can be saved

Bookmark frequently used KB responses in a personal list. No searching needed, just click to send responses.

Bookmark for Reuse

Help Center/Support Portal

Quickly answer visitor questions to unblock sales and deflect tickets

  • Allow visitors to browse, ask questions or popup contextual suggestions based on their journey
  • Easily customize help center with drag & drop tool to match your branding with colors and logos
  • Proactively answer pre-sales questions and lower barriers to sales
  • Add buttons for one-click access to self-service functions such as order or to create tickets
  • Provide live agent access via messaging when needed

Looking for help desk software? Try eServeCloud for free

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